Wednesday, November 14, 2007

lemon blossoms


A few weeks ago, some single guys that live a few doors down from us, brought us over some tasty little treats. One of them said they were called "Lemon Blossoms". I tried to convince HF to go over and ask them for the recipe, but he would not do it. I now see how un-manly that would be, but I didn't want to do it. Finally, I called them and asked for the recipe, and one guy, Chris, told it to me from memory. I had to ask him if he really made them himself, or if someone else, like some girlfriends, did it for them, but he was pretty proud of himself and his accomplishment-as he should be. He told me exactly how to make them, what he does differently from the recipe, and that they are better the second day. I must say I was pretty impressed. Maybe because I've never met any men that know how to cook anything other than hot dogs. Anyway, these lemon blossoms are so good! And so easy to make! I did find out that it's actually a Paula Deen recipe and not Chris's, my bachelor neighbor's original, as I think he wanted me to believe.

Make these babies, they are so good. And I did like my neighbor said for the glaze: 3 cups powdered sugar instead of 4, and a tad bit more water. It was more glaze-like, which is better than frosting-like. I think he also left out the lemon zest, but I wouldn't do that. And you have to make them as mini cupcakes. I tried mini loafs and it just didn't work. I think they were really meant to be miniature.

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