Every Friday we make or order a pizza and a get a movie to watch as a family. Our daughter has been wanting to watch James and the Giant Peach for a while now. Since I'm one of those (insert sarcasm) amazingly creative super moms, I try to come up with a treat that matches the movie the kids have chosen to watch. We also do this activity whenever we read a book that is also a movie. We will read the book first, then watch the movie with a themed treat. It's fun. So for tonight's feature film, I came up with this idea. It was fast and easy. I went to the grocery store that is just a block away and bought a giant peach. It seriously was huge. then I bought a bag of gummy worms. You've probably guessed by now what I did. Yes, I put the worm in the peach. If you haven't seen this movie, or read the book, James along with some other insects change when they eat a piece of the peach and they become the same size and they can talk to each other. It's been a long time since I've read the book. They travel together to get to New York. Anyway, there is a spider, a ladybug, a grasshopper, and a few others. Maybe a centipede. We actually have toy insects like that, but i couldn't find them. Otherwise I would've had them join this photo session with the peach. I think they turned out pretty cute otherwise, and the kids loved eating wedges off the peach while they watched the movie. Of course they did eat the gummy worms first.
I took one worm and cut it in half. With a straw I made two holes and put half of the cut worm into each hole. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. The Black Forrest gummy worms have smiley faces. I didn't know that.
haha I LOVE THIS! AND I swear we do this every FRI! Its easy and the hubs work weekends so its a treat for the kids.We always get a costco pizza and two movies.One kid one and one adult one.I usually make a dessert to go with.Its fun and cheap family meal.We just lounge snuggled together with popcorn in hand and chill :)