Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wall-E bento

Wall-E sandwich is turkey inside. Instructions found here. Underneath Wall-E is nuts and bolts robot mix (recipe to come). On the other side is a bed of green leaf lettuce. Cucumber coins with star shaped carrot coins on top, a babybel cheese wheel, a heart shaped silicon cupcake holder with a clementine orange in segments and 2 raspberries inside. I was trying to make it look like a flower. Then a hard boiled egg to look like Eva, Wall-E's main squeeze. Her face is a sliver of olive with nasty blue cookie icing that I had leftover from HF's graduation cake.


  1. You never disappoint with the bento's !! so cute

  2. rock on, mrs. fuzz! Love the creativity. :) you are so inspiring. sigh.

  3. I have a 6 yr old who will be your fan for life after I make this for her! She loves WallE. So cute!

  4. Hi this is Anna from AnnaTheRed's bento factory.
    Your Wall-E and EVE are absolutely awesome. Great job!!
    Is it okay if I put it on "your food" page on my blog?

  5. Connie and KD- thanks! You are sweet.

    Corpwife- mine is 6 too and she was in heaven.

    Anna- please do! It would be an honor. Love your blog. And thanks for the idea!

  6. This is really cute! At first I thought Eva was an eyeball before I read the title! LOL :)


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