Tuesday, February 9, 2010

laptop lunchboxes


I have been wanting to get some laptop lunchboxes for a while now. I finally got the Bento System 2.0- Flower (pictured above) for my 1st grade daughter. I really love the alien one and will be getting that one soon for our 4 year old son. These are very school and travel friendly and a great size for packing a variety of things for yourself or your child. Definitely the best American style bento ever. I also love that they are USA made and they are very durable and there's even a place to write your name on the bottom of the containers. Our daughter just loves it.

Here's the first lunch I made in the new box: Muenster cheese cubes on cupcake topper picks (by Wilton). The little container next to it is apricot jam that Daisy wanted to put on her 2 whole wheat muffins below. Then there are some baby carrots and some applesauce with some sprinkles on top. I'm pretty sure I saw the sprinkle idea at Wendolonia.


  1. So cute! I love these but haven't been able to justify a purchase of them yet, seeing as I don't really send lunches anywhere. ha.

    Do the sprinkles melt on the applesauce??

  2. This is Exactly what Ive been looking for to get for Miss O. Thanks for posting!

  3. How do you like the 2.0 version of the Laptop lunchbox? I've been coveting one because of the extra lids.

  4. Wendy- I haven't owned any other boxes, but I know I've read on a lot of blogs that these were a "God send" because they are a little bigger and have an extra lid. I kind of wish they all had lids, but it's still great

  5. Check out this Bento, Mrs Fuzz!

  6. do you order these boxes online? Its super cute I want one!lol


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