Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bacon & Egg Pie: A New Zealand Recipe

My sister recently moved back to the states after living in New Zealand with her family for a few years. I was very jealous of her experience there and unfortunately I never got to visit her there! We are talking about having a sister trip to NZ down the road however when she goes back for a visit. She brought me back this fantastic cookbook as a gift, and our favorite thing to make is the Bacon & Egg Pie. Everyone loves it and it's not just a good idea for breakfast. It makes a great lunch or dinner as well. The best recipe for this pie is not from this cookbook, but here at a free range life. She says it's so good that her husband proposed to her after she made it for him the first time. It really is that good- warm or cold. It can easily go in your husband's cooler to work since it can be eaten cold. It's hearty and full of protein. Okay, and lots of carbs too.


  1. What the heck is “streaky bacon”???

  2. Haha! It's just like the bacon we buy here in the USA. Regular ole bacon. ;)


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